Maqam of Ghawth

Assalaamualaykum , I have a question related to the spiritual station of Al Ghawthiyya. I was reading that during the time of Shaykh Abdullah Daghistani (ra) He was considered to be the highest ranking Saint by many. But He lived during the same time of a Shaykh by the name of Shaykh Muhammad Ahmad Al Mahi Bukhari (ra) from Madinah Munawwara (originally from sudan). He was also known to be the Highest ranking saint of that same time by many. Is it possible for more than one person to occupy the same station at the same time?
wa `alaykum salam,
No two saints may co-occupy one station at the same time. There is only one who shall be, and at that time it was Grandshaykh ‘Abdullah al-Fa’iz al-Daghistani. There may however be many saints of very high spiritual rank and known by different names or accolades. In our time however, the Sultan of all Saints is Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani (may Allah gives him long life and happiness!).
Refer also to the following posts:
Ghaus e Zaman
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Mawlana’s Title

I am writing to you cause i would like to ask a question about the title given to Sheik Nazim. I have great respect for the Sheik. I have read on this web site that the title given to Sheik Nazim is Sultan ul Awliya.
I have read a lot about wali and sheiks and as far as i know there is only one and only sultan ul Awliya ( the cheif of all wali, the master of all wali, the rose of Baghdad) who is Sultan ul Awliya Hazrat Sheik Abdul Qadir al Hasani al Husayni al Jeelani Al Baghdadi (RA).
He is supreme to all wali till the day of judgement.
May someone reply to me?
Alaykum as-Salam,
Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (Allah sanctify his spirit) represents Shaykh Abd al-Qadir Gilani (RA) in our time and also descends from him on his father’s side.
See also this.
Hajj Gibril Haddad

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Tai Al Lisan

Salaam, Can Anyone Prove Or Provide Evidence When Shiekh Nazim Al Haqqani Has Said He Is Sultan Of Auliya? Every Aulia Or Peer Ive Asked They Have Said He Is Not The Sultan Of Aulia And His Mureeds Are Making False Accusations.
I Asked My Shiekh Who Is Auliya And Said He Isnt Sultan of Auliya.. But Is One Of The 40 Abdaals To Be More Cleared Is Abrar.
My Shiekh Has Tai’ Al Lisan And Can Complete 2 Qurans in 2 Mins. If Shiekh Nazim Is Truly Sultan Of Auliya Then Ask Him To Use Tai ‘Al Lisan And Complete 2 Qurans Quicker Than 2 Mins.
Alaykum salam,
From what I know Mawlana Shaykh Nazim never called himself that, but only his teacher Mawlana Shaykh Abd Allah Daghistani, Allah sanctify their secrets. Mawlana Shaykh Hisham said that the latter could complete two khatams with every inspiration and expiration of breath. As for Mawlana Shaykh Nazim’s level in that respect, it has not been disclosed yet. And yes, the murids do call him that and it is haqq.
Hajj Gibril Haddad

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