Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Clarifying Shaykh Nazim&the Pope

Clarifications regarding Mowlana Shaykh Nazim al Haqqani & visiting the Pope

Following are some of the questions raised regarding this

Q :-There is huge controversies going on regarding Mowlana Shaykh Nazim al Haqqani meeting the pope...with this we have a series of doubts to clarify!

A: what's controversial and what's not controversial depends how on you want to put it or make it see as such, this has given huge publicity for the Naqshbandi tareeqa in large scale also made our beloved master Mowlana Shaykh Nazim al Haqqani more appealing to be a typical Sufi Master.

So we initially thank those who branded this great Aalim, this great shaykh who other Ulema come towards in him in seeking knowledge as such because this indeed elevates the act of such people who are filled with pride and jealousy who don't know the basics of Tasawwuf in understanding that the basis of everything is LOVE and Allah our God LOVES us and in what right or in what Shariah do they start to reject or hate people!

1. Why did Mowlana Shaykh Nazim al Haqqani meet the pope?

As you see Mowlana Shaykh Nazim al Haqqani whom we regard as the Sulthan al Awliya is not a common man you see with 5-10mureeds! This is not being harsh but its a true fact, so this great wali of Allah who spread his teachings from East to the West & in this journey he has met many followers from other faiths  & with that its strange if one sees the Pope as a non human too but still then there won't be anything wrong in meeting the pope! There is freedom for anyone to meet anyone.

2.Why did Mowlana Shaykh Nazim al Haqqani kiss the popes hands?

Wrong, this is a baseless accusation

3.Did Mowlana Shaykh Nazim al Haqqani ask the Pope to pray for him?

Seeking help through non Muslims happen during the time of other Prophets and even during  our Sallahualahiwasallim time. Where is a rule derived that help should be seeked only from a Muslim? Someone may differ Dua from help but isn't dua a type of help?

1. During the hijrath time our Sallahualahiwasallim seeked the help of a Non Muslim by the name of Abdullah ibn Uraiqath

2. During the time of the 1st hijrath did our Sallahualaihiwasallim seek the assistance of the Christian king Najash/Negus?

3 Regarding the status of Abu thalib there are 2 views as in He's considered to be a believer by some and the other says he was a dis believer! So with this if you go with those are against Mowlana Shaykh Nazim al Haqqani and they accept Abu Thalib was a kafir, then why did Rasoolallah Sallahualahiwasallim seek his help?

4. Wasn't seyedah Asmah bint Abubakr Siddique radhiallahuanha given the privilege to be with her non Muslim mother wasn't she?

With all this someone may accuse that these acts were only meant for Sallahualahiwasallim but no that's wrong, even other Sahaba follows the same.

Q: What ever said and done we should be away from the kuffar, why did he make this meeting such big?

Some ask why did the Naqshbandi Shuyukh meet George Bush even, and yes they are kafir and their believes are Najees, meaning impure but if they are left aside how will Islam have new reverts? Its the responsibility of Muslims to be an ambassador of Islam so that even the pope or even normal kuffars will understand the peaceful religion Islam, so we disagree in throwing the kuffar in the bin but they may be even related to us and we all are the sons of Seyeduna Nabi Adham alahisalam and therefore its we who should help them.

Q: Its wrong to be on the same page as a kafir, Mowlana Shaykh Nazim al Haqqani should have challenged the Pope?

His Holiness Mowlana Shaykh Nazim al Haqqani sulthan al Awliya is not Zakir Naik, we don't want him to step into the level of Zakir Naik as well and from a General point of view, Ahlussunnath wal Jama Ulema attracted the kuffar through the Love and compassion of Tasawwuf and other Sufiways and not through debates in a hard-core manner to say my God is corrent and not yours.

If what your saying is valid, our Sallahualahiwasallim would not have been on the same page with the quraysh kuffar to sign treaties!

Q: Why did Mowlana Shaykh Nazim al Haqqani show respect to the pope?He should be rather insulted?

Excuse me...from which part of Shariah do you take the fact that a Muslim should insult people from other faiths? Did sallahualahiwasallim do all this or did he respect the body of a dead jew and the Sahabas asked Sallahualahiwasallim why he respected a dead body and our beloved Sallahualahiwasallim asked "Isn't he a human too"?

So O Muslims, tone down yourselves and don't make a mockery out of 2 individuals meeting each other as this would facilitate more people to embrace Islam and if your doing the opposite, you will be responsible for making fun about the Awliya and you have been responsible  in driving the Non Muslims away which will prove that Islamists are fundamentalists and extremists. 

Q: So what good did this meeting with the Pope result in?

Everyone were up with insulting comments but this stopped when a rumor had spread the Pope has embraced Islam! However the vatican has not disagreed with the fact as well and there's enough evidence that the Pope had visited the Blue Mosque in Istambul,Turkey.

Q: Why did Mowlana Shaykh Nazim al Haqqani call the Pope as "He's a good one"?

Yes what's wrong in calling a person good? Or do you say all Muslims are good and all Kafirs are bad?
Don't we have Bad Muslims and Good kafirs?Yes we have and that's what Mowlana Shaykh Nazim al Haqqani also refers there.

Q: Why was a mureed asked to kiss the Popes hands?

This has been answered with regarding respecting a kafir and if Daleel is provided that kissing the hands of a kafir is Haram or respecting a kafir is Haram, we may take this subject there onwards.

However in a general note Wahhabism may not teach Adhab at all and I know you guys reject the Hadith of even kissing a Muslim/ Ahlul bayth/ an Aalim etc therefore showing respect to the living or dead being Muslim or not not be in your agenda and therefore showing adhab for this question even is not needed, but for the sake of it this action doesn't negate Shariah but rather is taken as an act of showing humbleness out of his wisdom.

in Summery

The second meeting with Pope at the same place took place on the 2013 where maulana and a few mureed invited Pope benedith xv1 into a room where maulana exchanged a gift to the Pope a gold coin from the ottoman era and secretly Pope took shahadah witnessed by the few mureed. As they came out from that room a few mureed kissed the Pope hand. From this incident a few wahabis accusing sheikh Nazim mureed kissing Pope's hand but they(public) didn't know that Pope had already took shahadah from maulana.

© Naqshbandi Sri Lanka

Naqshbandi MIracles

This is simply a collection of some of the stories which i have heard & came across though our Naqshbandi brothers specially in Sri lanka.

Miracle through the Naqshbandi-Qadiri union

It was on a particular Friday night ( thursday night) couple of years ago when I was invited for a majlis of shaykh Jaleel Muhiyadden hazraths in Quthbiya Manzil,dehiwala, so I agreed to go midst of very important other work which I had...

I sat in the majlis with one stern adamant demand in seeing a karamath from my shaykh, Mowlana Shaykh Nazim al Haqqqani! I sat there in the majlis and waited...waited and waited...the majlis went on and on till late and I still kept insisting to myelf demanding a karamth and at one point I remember Hazrath Shaykh jaleel muhiyaddeen was speaking about giving charity and he said "if you give charity for the sake of Allah, Allah will reward you 10 folds back"

By saying this he was speaking about his daughters wedding in India as we'll and he ended up his talk by distributing money for the people who had come there...I remember everyone getting 100rs and the small Seyed Mowlanas few of them got Rs 500 each!  And the grand total of this was 5000rs

I was still anxiously waiting for something big to happen and out of no where someone comes and gives the cordless phone to hazrath Jaleel and then a conversation goes there! I was not concentrating on anything until I heard the words from Jaleel Muhiyaddeen Hazrath that "give my Salams to Shaykh Nazim Haqqani" which stunned me as I was trying to figure out what was that phone call about...

Then Jaleel hazrath explained that a Naqshbandi Mureed had seen a dream where  Mowlana Shaykh Nazim al Haqqqani had appeared saying "My sons daughter is getting married, haven't you given him any hadiya" showing jaleel hazrath in the dream too, by seeing this dream that person from UK had sent Rs 50,000 to Shaykh Jaleel muhiyadeen Hazrath!!

It was exactly after he distributed Rs 5000 this took place!
Source :-Inthikab (Sri Lanka)

From Visions...

Lord buddha and  Mowlana Shaykh Nazim al Haqqqani

There was once a buddhist who was called for Naqshbandi zikr because he was interested in spiritualism-meditation etc, so he came on the condition that what he does will not contradict any Buddhist principals...so when the group agreed this person came and after the lights were offed in Zikr,he had later said he saw some lights in Zikrs that's it.

The next very week this person came and this time in Zikr he saw something amazing! That was Lord Buddha and  Mowlana Shaykh Nazim al Haqqqani together and Lord Buddha had advised this person that from now onwards he should follow, Sulthan al Awliya  Mowlana Shaykh Nazim al Haqqqani! Thereafter he embraced islam
Source :-Inthikab (Sri Lanka)

The Grand Quthbiya majlis

It was during a time in which His Holiness Shaykh Jaleel Muhiyaddeen Hazrath had done Quthbiya majlises (its a majlis which recites on the name of Ghawthul A'azam which goes as Ya peer dhathagir Ghawthul A'azam Muhiyaddeen) in this there was a Naqshbandi brother who was one of the 1st few to be opened up!

He saw  Mowlana Shaykh Nazim al Haqqqani during the Grand Quthbiya majlis coming and asking hom where he likes to go...

1. He first asked to go to his parents Grave and that was granted

2. Later he asked to visit the maqam of Ghawthul A'azam radhiallahuanhu in Baghdad and that too was done with  Mowlana Shaykh Nazim al Haqqqani

3. Finally he was asked where else he likes to go and he asked to travel to Madina to visit-ziyarah towards the blessed grave of our beloved nabi Muhammed sallahualahiwasallim and he was taken there! While Rasoolallah sallahualahiwasallim saw him he placed his blessed foot mark in his stomach there which is even the foor mark exists till now!
Source :- Abdul Hadi(Sri lanka)

Birds respect for the Sulthan al Awliya

It was once informed that in Lefke, Cyprus at the Shaykh Nazim Dharga there used to be a bird which always bows its head when Mowlana Shaykh Nazim used to leave the dharga and then the bird does the same when Mawlana Shaykh Nazim returns back!
Source :- Haji Izath Nilhar (Sri lanka)

The New Zawiya in Philippines
(To be up dated)

Prediction in marriage and offspring

It was Mowlana Shaykh Nazim who said to one mureed by the name of Aroos that "Next year you should get married" likewise his marriage happen the same year which Mowlana Shaykh Nazim al Haqqqani arrived to Sri Lanka and he even predicted 2 of his offspring in one being a girl and the other being a boy.
Source :- Aroos (Sri Lanka)

Seeking Tabarruk from the blessed water which struck Mowlana Shaykh Nazim's body

Source : Ikram-Sri Lanka

Mawlana Shaykh Nazim shown in Isthikara

An experience shared by one of the closest people of Shaykh Jaleel Muhiyaddeen Hazrath,

 When he was requested to go to Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Al Haqqani When moulana Shaykh Nazim first arrived in Sri Lanka nearly 30 years ago I remember Sabri Ghouse's father-in- Law mentioning it to Shaikh Jaleel Hazrath. He told me one must be very careful meeting spiritual people without spiritual permission. The very next morning Shaykh Jaleel Muhiyaddeen Hazrath told me you must meet this Shaikh as my Isthikara last night revealed that moulana was the SUN amongst the moons & he told me 'know that the moon gets its light from the sun'. Masha Allah, ALHAMDULILLAH we are blessed to be guided by Moulana Shaikh Nazim Rali Allahu Tha'ala anhu.
Source :- Yasry(Sri Lanka)