Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Open challenge to ACJU Rizwie Mufti on Mawlid

An open challenge to Rizwie Mufti and his team at the ACJU

Click :-  https://youtu.be/PikY-9E3bEs

Image result for Rizvi Mufthi

This is a clear message to the All Ceylon Jameeathul Ulema known as the ACJU to give their clear stance to why have they been tolerating so called scholars who speak against the blessed birth of the Prophet May Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him, when in Sri Lanka all faiths have their freedom to practice what they believe in without insulting other religions?

Dear Muftis & Moulavies, it is because of your ignorance that we Muslims are facing this kind of issues while we have never heard of a Jew who will speak against the birth of Prophet Moses (May Peace be upon him) or a Cristian who will speak against the birth of Prophet Jesus (May Peace be upon him) or a Buddhist who will speak against the Buddha!! But except amongst so called Muslims who will speak against their own Prophet and your silence is kind of an approval for them!!

There were many non-Muslims who regarded the highest status of our beloved Prophet May Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him including the very famous Michael  Hart have written and published such literature but its with your silence that such moulavies amongst your own group are there to criticize the blessed Mawlid/ Birth of our beloved Prophet May Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him.

The Challenge

The President/ Secretary should give a clear rule on the Subhana Mawlid if its accepted or not. (i.e if its Shirk, please give a Fatwa saying this is Shirk)

Note :- If this is ignored, it will be taken as the ACJU approves Mawlid with the recitation of Subhana Mawlid and if someone within Sri lanka speaks against the blessed birth of Prophet Muhammed May Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him, we will address this through the ACJU as well and through other means.

Hafiz Ehsan Qadiri
AsSunnah Trust Sri lanka